Eliminate Bottle Water Using the Waterboy Filtration System

Eliminate Bottle Water Using the Waterboy Filtration System

Based on the drought in California, it is a good idea to use the water that comes to your home and filter it with a Waterboy whole home filtration system instead of buying bottled water, since most of the bottled water comes from California. There is a severe drought in California and we all need to conserve water.

The following is a quote from www.motherjones.com:

“Bottled-water drinkers, we have a problem: There’s a good chance that your water comes from California, a state experiencing the third-driest year on record.

The details of where and how bottling companies get their water are often quite murky, but generally speaking, bottled water falls into two categories. The first is “spring water,” or groundwater that’s collected, according to the EPA, “at the point where water flows naturally to the earth’s surface or from a borehole that taps into the underground source.” To read More