Benefits Of Washing Hair With Filtered Soft Water

Benefits Of Washing Hair With Filtered Soft Water

By: Dr. Yoram Harth, MD By Dr. Yoram Harth, MD • 2024-02-21

Washing our hair is an essential part of our routine, but the type of water we use can significantly
impact our hair’s health and appearance. Hard water, which contains high levels of minerals, can cause
damage to our hair, and make it difficult to style. On the other hand, filtered water can benefit our
hair, including improved manageability and shine. Let’s explore the benefits of washing our hair with
filtered water and why investing in a water filter for our home is essential.

The downside of washing the hair with nonfiltered water
Washing hair with non-filtered water, often containing high levels of minerals and impurities, can lead
to several downsides. These include making the hair feel rough and tangled, reducing shine, causing
buildup that makes hair look dull, and potentially worsening scalp conditions like dandruff. Hard water
can lead to mineral deposits on the hair and scalp, making hair harder to manage and style and even
affecting hair color. To minimize these effects, using filtered or softened water for hair washing is
One study looked at how hard water negatively impacts hair, showing that hard water, with its high
calcium and magnesium content, causes more damage to hair strands than soft water. It uses a
scanning electron microscope to show that hard water leads to a rougher hair surface and thinner hair
strands due to mineral buildup. This accumulation not only affects the hair’s appearance by making it
look dull and feel rough but also harms its health by leading to moisture loss and potential breakage.
Improved manageability
One of the most significant benefits of washing our hair with filtered water is that it can improve the
manageability of our hair. Hard water can cause our hair to become frizzy and difficult to style. Using
filtered soft water, we can remove the minerals that cause this problem and enjoy smoother, more
manageable hair.

Enhanced shine
Another benefit of washing our hair with filtered water is that it can enhance its shine. Hard water can
cause our hair to become dull and lifeless, but filtered soft water can help restore our hair’s natural

Reduced damage and breakage

Filtered water can also help to reduce damage and breakage to our hair. Hard water can cause dryness
and brittleness, which can lead to breakage. We can avoid these adverse effects by using filtered water
and enjoying healthier, stronger hair.

Reduced dandruff and scalp irritation
Using filtered water to wash our hair can also reduce dandruff and irritation of the scalp. Hard water
can cause irritation and itching on our scalp, leading to dandruff. Filtered water, on the other hand,
can help to reduce these symptoms and provide a more comfortable scalp.