What Do Coconut Shells Have to Do with Water Filtration?
At Superior Water, we are committed to making sure your water is clean, safe, and fresh. That’s why our WATERBOY filtration systems include three separate stages of filtration (and then a conditioning stage). Our first stage eliminates common contaminants like chlorine, sediments, and organic compounds that cause odor and discoloration from your water using coconut shells.
Kind of odd, right? But the coconut shells are carbon-based, which makes them really good at absorbing pollutants in your water. They are great water cleaners, because they contain a highly porous structure that can trap the contaminants as your water runs through them. Bet you never though coconut shells could be so useful, right?
Of course, coconut shells are only a small part of a comprehensive filtration process.
To learn more about how we can make your water clean, contact us today!