Chlorine in the Water Can Cause Problems for the Skin
There are many advantages to owning a whole home water filtration system. Since most municipal water is treated with chlorine, the environment of a shower can be detrimental to one’s health if the water is not filtered. This is especially true when the shower is hot, as the steam contains chlorine in vapor form.
This chlorine is breathed in and absorbed through the skin, which is the body’s largest organ. Over time, daily exposure to chlorine can cause respiratory illness, asthma, and even certain types of cancer. Chlorine may also dry out your skin and hair; a shower water filter can soften the texture of skin and hair that has been consistently exposed to chlorine in the past.

It is best to have a whole house water filtration to eliminate chlorine and elements that can dry out the skin. The Superior Water Waterboy will filter your water for better your shower. Contact us.