Stay Safe During the El Nino Storms – Whole Home Water Filtration System
El Nino season has officially arrived in Southern California. This year’s El Nino is expected to be one of the strongest in the state’s recent history, rivaling the massive storms, flooding, and damage caused during the 1997/1998 El Nino.
Though we in Southern California are happy to receive any rainfall we can get, we don’t exactly know how to deal with this much of it dumped on us all at once! Officials are predicting flash floods, mud slides, and water damage throughout the state.

Keep yourself safe by staying informed. Before you go out, check the news and traffic websites to make sure none of the streets in your area are flooded. Pay attention to alerts that come through on your smart phone or mud slide warnings on the news.
If you come upon a road that is flooded, turn around. Even a few inches of water can lift up and sweep away a car!
From all of us here at Waterboy, we hope you stay safe this winter and continue to enjoy clean, soft drinking water. Contact us for more information.