The Waterboy Blog

Benefits of Whole House Waterboy Water Filtration System

Benefits of Whole House Waterboy Water Filtration System The Waterboy Whole House Water Filtration System, offered by Superior Water, provides clean, fresh, and conditioned water throughout your home without the slippery feel often associated with traditional water softeners. This system operates without the need for …

Save Water, Save Money?

Save Water, Save Money? Whole House Water Filtration System Don’t be surprised if your efforts to cut back on your water usage are rewarded with a higher water bill.  What?  Yep, that’s right.  The Associated Press reported that “millions of Californians expecting relief on their …

What is Water Conditioning?

What is Water Conditioning? If you’ve been looking at our WATERBOY whole house water filtration system, then you know that our system offers three stages of filtration and a final stage of conditioning. What is water conditioning and how does it affect your water? When …

How is staying hydrated linked to the aging process?

The Surprising Link Between Hydration and the Aging Process A new study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published by eBioMedicine identifies the key role hydration is thought to play in the aging process. This new research serves as great proof of the importance of drinking …