As you are probably aware, California is experiencing its worst drought in recorded history. If you want to help in the effort to conserve our most precious natural resource, please consider taking some of the following actions and please share these and other water-saving ideas with others.
- When taking a shower, turn off the water while lathering your hair and body
- Install water-saving showerheads in all of your bathrooms
- Choose a time limit for your showers and do your best to stick to your limit. To help yourself stick to your time limit, co
nsider using your cell phone alarm or keep an egg timer in your bathroom
- Never let water run if you are not actively using it. For instance, if you’re washing and rinsing dishes, don’t leave the water running while you are washing a dish.
- Don’t flush it all away! There are many water-saving flush devices available. Or you can make one yourself by simply placing a half-gallon plastic container filled with water in your toilet tank (just be sure to remove any labels first). This will save an average of ½ gallon of water per flush. If each person in your household flushes a toilet an average of five times per day, you’ll save about 70 gallons per month per person. For a family of four, that’s about 300 gallons per month!
- Don’t forget the little ones!!! If you have young children, explain the importance of everyone doing what they can – make them know that they can be part of the solution. And be sure to give them praise for being a water conservationist! You could even ask them for water-saving suggestions before sharing yours with them to give them an added feeling of accomplishment.